An animist perspective on a familiar landscape
BIT-Teatergarasjen, Bergen, NO
Black Box Theatre, Oslo, NO
Director Ludvig Uhlbors
With Arturo Tovar, Kjerst Aas Stenby, Kjersti Vetterstad, Hanna Sjöstrand
Costumes Kristine Gjems

Ecosofic Tours are site specific walks performed together with an audience who experience these walks from the inside of the body of Arne Næss. The purpose of an Ecosofic tour is to bring history, landscape and spirit together and to let the hidden animated landscape come forth. This allows different natural processes to reveal themselves as physical expressions of spiritual relations and spiritual beings. During an Ecosophic tour such anima-manifestations of nature, so often overlooked in the contemporary, becomes readily readable.
The first time we performed an Ecosofic tour was in Bergen in connection with our performance Arne Næss Gjenoppstandelsen, at BIT-Teatergarasjen in 2018. The second tour was performed in cooperation with Black Box Theatre in Oslo in june 2019, also in conjunction with a performance.
Background Kjersti Vetterstad